Monday, September 24, 2007

Summer's Last Stand

The weather was nice enough for one last weekend of boating. Erin and I mooched off the Westra's awesome boat and went out on the water for one last time.
Brennen (9) was awesome at tubing and tough as nails. At one point I came down on him while trying to jump. His face hit his tube and he was clearly stunned. He checked for blood and his mom pulled him up to the boat to inspect the damage. She took a look at his teeth and saw that one of his braces was knocked off - to which he responded "can I keep tubing mom?"
The Westra children put on an impressive show for a 9 and 7-year-old.
It was a fun and beautiful afternoon but now I've got to focus on other things like marathon training, football, and fall trips.


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